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Excuse me, how can I set up only Lesbian mode?

By not fucking males? It literally says that it's possible to PLAY full lesbian, not that there is an option to make males f off


Is this still being developed?


hey, link to chapter 1 only PC are all down

(1 edit)

I am trying to play individual chapters as the full Mac Ch 1 + 2 link isn't working for me. How can I get the missing chapters? There's chapter 1 .25 and it skips all the way to chapter 2  0.33. is there anything you can do about it?

This is my favorite game on the site. Please help me.

Edit: For some reason, the individual chapters ae working on my Mac but the combined pack can’t be opened so I decided to play the first half of the game anyways. thank you for the support : )

Hey, Adam! I am glad it worked out, and I am sorry I wasn't able to be of more help


I downloaded the Mac ver 0.33 Ch1 + 2 from G.Drive

( This one.

After I extracted it, I dragged it into the applications folder but I can’t open it. clearly, I did something wrong but I don’t know what. can someone please help me?

(1 edit)

Sorry, I don't have a Mac but I heard of this problem before. I heard they solved the problem by playing the game without extracting,

Oh how is that possible?? When I doenloaded the file from google, it was in .rar format, I had to use "Unarchiver app", Ive used that before and I works, the only file I get is the app- I get nothing else, so I rag that to the applications like I normally would and I get this error. I think I did something wrong but not sure.

The application “” can’t be opened.

Do you have any idea what this is? is it because of the software update?

Should I try downloading the individual chapters

Help I have this same issue.  Seems to be with rar files.  I have a separate extractor that works great for everything else, but this one I get that same error

The mac version will only open in text edit and similar apps which does not allow me to play

How did you even get to open it? I can’t even open the app.

I have no idea lol. I am beginning to think I need a pc xD

I think this game is fantastic and really the only con I can think of is the complete lack of animated scenes.


Thanks! Glad you liked it, Tory3216! Unfortunately, animated scenes are time consuming and I am still learning, but...maybe in the next game?

I look forward to it. As I said, your game is fantastic and animated scenes would make it even better! Keep up the great work :)

Hey, How can I dowloand both chapters on one link? Must of them are down (In on windows)

You can downwload -> Release 0.33 win - mega - FULL - chapter 1 + chapter 2  or Release 0.33 win - G.Drive - FULL - chapter 1 + chapter 2

Direct links

Chapter one went great (love the game) but tried to load Chapter Two Update 0.32 and despite having saved before end of Chapter 1, it will not load. Tried going back, ignoring, everything. Says Badass Slot 1 but won't accept moving on.  

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 462, in __call__


Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script

    python hide:

  File "renpy/", line 928, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>

    python hide:

  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide


  File "renpy/", line 298, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3325, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 4160, in interact_core

    rv = root_widget.event(ev, x, y, 0)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1102, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 48, in event

    return self.new_widget.event(ev, x, y, st) # E1101

  File "renpy/display/", line 1102, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1102, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 727, in event

    rv = self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1102, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1323, in event

    rv = super(Window, self).event(ev, x, y, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 273, in event

    rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1102, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1323, in event

    rv = super(Window, self).event(ev, x, y, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 273, in event

    rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 1102, in event

    rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)

  File "renpy/display/", line 273, in event

    rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)

  File "renpy/display/", line 983, in event

    return handle_click(self.clicked)

  File "renpy/display/", line 918, in handle_click

    rv = run(action)

  File "renpy/display/", line 330, in run

    return action(*args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 462, in __call__


  File "renpy/", line 771, in load

    log.unfreeze(roots, label="_after_load")

  File "renpy/", line 2200, in unfreeze

    self.rollback(0, force=True, label=label, greedy=greedy, on_load=True)

  File "renpy/", line 2014, in rollback


  File "renpy/", line 1932, in load_failed

    raise Exception("Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?")

Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?



LunasfallfromgraceChapterTWO0.32-endings2 0.32

Tue Apr 25 04:23:22 2023

image 'endingsbadasscourt06' not found. Newest public update.

Okay, so I've found the Villain and Slave endings, I know there's a Hero ending as well. Is there a Lunatic (heh) ending? Any others?

Hey, EponymousKay! Yes, there will be more ending (including 1 crazy ending) in update 0.32 and 0.33 (which will be the last for the foreseeable future). But there is already a sequel in store!

Out of curiosity, will those updates include filler content for the last section of the game? It feels kind of rushed compared to most of the game. ie More hooker and Vera stuff.

I'm also curious if the Sub route is supposed to be the true "surface" personality route, since the other three routes are also aligned to personalities.

Sorry, I didn't see this comment until now. The endings in update 0.32 will include alternative endings for the three routes (A 'fail" bad ending for the badass route, two additional endings for the sub route, one additional ending with Niko in the hero route). 0.33, on the other hand, will focus on "crazy" Luna. Regarding Vera, there is no content with her in chapter 2. (her story ends in chapter 1). Regarding the true surface personality, honestly, the Badass ending is the default. That's mostly because badass Luna will also play a role in the sequel (Diatima's isekai) that will be released for patrons in April.

Patrons only forever?

It will be available for the others 1 month later

(1 edit)

I'll have a more in depth review later, but I just want to say that this is very professionally done, far more than I'd expect from a free game. Not only is the file size small for tons of content, but the writing, visuals, and everything are just great.

Hey, EponymousKay! It's my first game, so I am aware that there are several areas that can be improved, but I am glad you enjoyed it!

(4 edits)

Hello! I have played the new update and it was really awesome ! ( still have to try the hero route but so far so good ) .... Also thank you for fixing that bug I mentioned in previous posts everything works just fine now ! .... That being said I heard about you making another game ... Is it going to be a sequel to Luna's story ? or a different game but in the same world ? ..... and finally thank you for sharing this amazing story with us I wish all the best ! .

Hey, Eternume! Glad you liked the game. Yes, it will be a sequel but with a new protagonist (also a woman). Luna will be in it but she will play a minor role. If everything goes according to plan, the first release will be available on Patreon by April. Regarding Luna's fall from grace, update 0.33 will probably be the last

I'm trying to download it and it says it's hosted on a third party incpatable website, any idea how to fix this? Happens on PC and Mac

That's...odd. Anyway:

Chapter 2 windows/mac

Chapter 1 Windows/mac

If you haven't played chapter 1, you need to play it before chapter 2

If the issue is itself, try using a proxy. Even if your nation allows the site, you may have a problem with the route between your IP and Mega's servers, that happens sometimes. Using a proxy might fix the route.

Hello! I have played the new update and it was awesome!! ..... But I have encountered this eror when playing the badass route .... It happens when dark Luna try to show us her past ....... I'm playing on Android I don't know if it's a code error or just my device but I thought of letting you know in case it happened to someone else ...... Wish you all the best with your amazing game!!!!

Hey, Eternume! Thanks for reporting it. I'll check it out

Great game. I really like the story. Tried several routes by now and looking forward for more updates.

Hey, mordr3d1! I am glad you liked the game :)

Hi there! Your game is awesome I especially liked the badass route...... But near the end when the other Luna show us a memory from our past the images don't appear I tried many times but all it says that the images aren't found .... I'm using Android to play if that helps ...... Wish you all the best and I can't wait for the next update!

Hey, Eternume! Thanks for reporting that. I'll look into it!

Android mediafire and mega download links are swapped.

Ah, damn...thanks for telling me. Fixed!

The 0.29 folder has 0.27 inside. Is it supposed to say 0.27?

Yeah...I forgot to change the name 

(1 edit)

IDK how to play the game, I hit play game and it takes me to a screen with an image I can't click on and a save slot I can't use? 

(1 edit) (+2)

Have you already played chapter 1? You need to play that before playing chapter 2.

Download Release Chapter1 0.25 for win/linux or mac. You can find the links below

Im getting the same error. Must be missing something. I played and saved part 1. But I get a bug report (I can share the screen if you like) when I open part 2 .30. When I rollback game closes. When I ignore I get the above screen


Hi, Ezclean76. Yes, please, if you could share the screen (or just copy the changelog of the error) , that would help.

(1 edit) (+1)

Why is there no auto forward button in android like save, hide, back   when auto forward time  is shown in options.



The game is really good so far and I can't wait for the next update.

Thank you for your hard work.

Thanks Eternume! Glad you liked it!

Where is Android version of 0.25??

Not able to find in list above

Hi, Sam234io! For android, you can just download update 0.26.

ok thx for replying

Deleted 293 days ago

Glad you liked it:)

(2 edits)

I clicked download for the "Release 0.26 Windows/linux mega link" but took me to a mac download. I have to go to the patreon link to download the pc version. 

In the game, I have over 1 million dollars. Will there be things to spend money on in future updates?

Thanks for reporting that. Link fixed. Regarding the money: Yes, Luna's gonna need it


If this ever goes on Steam, I'd buy it.

(1 edit)

anyone else having a problem trying to start the game? it looks like a glitch that doesn't let you start chapter 1

You mean chapter 2? If that's the case...

1 Play update 0.25. Towards the end, the game asks you to save (save slot). 2 Update 0.26 -> Start a new game -> select (saveslot).

ok thanks i had scroll on your patreon to find it, i think it would be better if there was a file for it on itch and a little explenation, anyways Thank You

Hey, Cjc212! Sorry for the incovenience and thanks for pointing that out!

The game is perfect! I got the Sons ending. Could you tell, what is the main choice I should make to get other endings (Hellions for example)?

And can I get a submissive ending with Vera and Hellions?

Hey, Slavesin! Regarding the other endings, you can side with Jolanda or the Chief on the hero route. On the badass route, Luna sides with the Sons and becomes the ruler of the Docks.

So there's no ending as Vera's slave, is it? (Not to offend you, the game is great, I just want to know if I should look for this ending)

Nope, sorry. And don't worry, no offence taken

Is there an auto option for the text to skip on its own? Gets tiring having to tap the screen all the time. There's a setting in the menu but I don't see it in the game. 

Unfortunately  no, there isn't, but thanks for the input. That's a good feature to add for the final version of the game

Deleted 293 days ago

Glad you liked it!


Hey, the game is 10 out of 5! One of the best VNs I've ever played. Have just  completed v0.25, it was total fun! Characters intro made my day, the twins especially :) The plot is intriguing, dialogue options are great, renders are awesome! Look forward to updates :)

Just a couple of questions:

  1. For v0.25 'State of mind' is always 'Stable', is it hardcoded for now? Will it be related to alter-Luna takeovers?
  2. Any more MC transformations planned (eg height from average to tall/constant futa/)?


(1 edit) (+2)

Hey, adickus! I am glad you liked the game!

About your questions:

1 No, state of mind can change, but there are a few specific choices that can alter it( Mostly, if Luna acts out of character). For example: if Luna is a badass or a hero and refuses Vera's challenge -> state of mind increases. 

2 In update 0.26 on the hero route, Luna will look different (taller, blonde), on the sub route, I will add a few piercings (nose, nipples). No changes on the badass route.

Hi Synapse, how do you save Vinny?

Hey, croople. In order to save him, Luna's defiance must be high enough.

u pretend to add a galery and animated scenes? btw great game so far played 2 routes 


male x futa content?


No, sorry. Only female x futa

Can anyone tell me how to get full version in new update many scenes are not shown black screen

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